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Isavia´s Annual and CSR report 2020 is published in accordance with the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative GRI Standards: Core option and GRI-G4 Airport Operator Sector Disclosures. Personnel from all divisions of the company participated in gathering content and writing of the report. Information in the report originates from the company’s IT systems and reflect current knowledge at the time. The reporting period is 2020 calendar year. Status: ⬤ Fulfilled ◑ Partly fulfilled. UNGC = connection to UN Global Compact. SDG = connection to relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Disclosure number and titleLocationCommentsStatusUNGCSDG
GRI 102:2016 General Disclosures
Organizational Profile
GRI 102-1Name of the organizationIsavia ohf
GRI 102-2Activites, brands, products, and services


GRI 102-3Location of headquartersDalshraun 3, 220 Hafnarjörður
GRI 102-4Location of operationsIsavia operates only in Iceland. The company owns three subsidiaries: Isavia ANS, Isavia Regional Airports and Duty-Free store
GRI 102-5Ownership and legal formIsavia is a public limited company
GRI 102-6Market served. Additionally, for airports: Catchment area for passengers and cargo originating in the vicinity of the airport.


Business Partners

Flight Statistics

GRI 102-7Scale of reporting organization. Additionally, for airports: Estimated number of employees in the reporting organization, size of airport, number and length of runways, stating whether they are primary or crosswind runways, minimum connection time between flights at the airport, number of operations, number of airlines served, and number of destinations served.


Human Resources
Flight Statistics
Key Figures
Financial Statement 2020

GRI 102-8Information on employees and other workers

Human Resources

GRI 102-9Supply chain


GRI 102-10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

Message from the CEO

Chairman´s Statement

GRI 102-11Precautionary Principle or approach

Corporate Governance

GRI 102-12External initiatives

Social Participation

GRI 102-13Membership of associations

Social Participation

GRI 102-14Yfirlýsing frá æðsta ákvörðunartaka

Message from the CEO

Ethics and Integrity
GRI 102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour

Corporate Governance
Isavia´s Code of Conduct

GRI 102-18Governance structure

Corporate Governance

GRI 102-20Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics


GRI 102-21Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

Material Aspects

Director of Corporate Strategy and Sustainability on behalf Managing Director
GRI 102-22Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Statement (in icelandic)

GRI 102-23Chair of the highest governance body

Corporate Governance
Rules of procedure for the Board of Directors (in icelandic)

GRI 102-25Conflicts of interest

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Statement (in icelandic)

GRI 102-32Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reportingCEO is principal
GRI 102-33Communicating critical concernsVia the CEO and Excecutive Board
GRI 102-35Remuneration policies

Remuneration Policy

GRI 102-36Process for determining remuneration

Rules of procedure of the Isavia ohf. Remuneration Committee (in icelandic)

Stakeholder Engagement
GRI 102-40List of stakeholder groups

Material Aspects

Business Partners

Human Resources

GRI 102-41Collective bargaining agreements

Human Resources

GRI 102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders

Material Aspects

GRI 102-43Approach to stakeholder engagement

Material Aspects


Business Partners

Human Resources

GRI 102-44Key topics and concerns raised

Material Aspects

Objectives and Improvements


Business Partners

Human Resources

Reporting Practice
GRI 102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

Financial Statement 2020

GRI 102-46Defining report content and topic Boundaries

Material Aspects

GRI 102-47List of material topics

Material Aspects

GRI 102-48Restatements of information

Material Aspects

GRI 102-49Changes in reporting

Material Aspects

GRI 102-50Reporting periodReport for calendar year 2020
GRI 102-51Date of most recent report26. march 2020
GRI 102-52Reporting cycleYearly
GRI 102-53Contact point for questions regarding the reportClick here to contact Isavia
GRI 102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

Material Aspects

GRI 102-55GRI content index

GRI Index

GRI 102-56External assurance

Message from the CEO

Material Aspects

Financial Statement 2020

Independent Auditor´s Report. Independant advisors report and verification