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The year in brief

information video on human trafficking

An information video on human trafficking, produced by SagaFilm for Isavia was uploaded onto the company‘s learning management system and published on Isavia‘s YouTube channel. ​The video is part of the training intended for all employees who are in direct contact with passengers at the Airport of Leifur Eiríksson. The goal of the educational video is to enable employees to identify human trafficking and recognize the right communication channels regarding announcements. ​

Isavia‘s offices in Keflavík took the third green step

The airport of Leifur Eiríksson, the service center and the air traffic control tower at Keflavík-airport completed the third green step. Isavia participated in the projects regarding the Green steps of government operations, which revolve around the reinforcement of eco-friendly operations in a systematic way.

Birgitta Steingrímsdóttir from the Environmental agency handed both Valur Klemensson, head of the environmental department at Keflavík-airport, and Ásdís Ólafsdóttir, specialist at the environmental department, an acknowledgement reward for the offices of Isavia in Keflavík for having completed the third green step. Work towards the fourth green step was initiated right away.

Increased cooperation as a result of the Corona virus outbreak ​

Isavia initiated a collective co-operation with the epidemiologist, the directorate of health and the state police chief’s civil protection department regarding the response to the increased outbreak of the Corona virus.

Isavia participated in CArrier fair

On January 3rd, 2020, Isavia participated in Reykjavík University‘s Carrier fair. 

Run the runway in Keflavik airport

On June 3, the first runway race in Iceland took place when about 60 cheerful employees of Isavia and its subsidiaries ran 5 kilometers on a runway at Keflavík Airport. This was the final twist at the Isavia Games, where a number of employees took part in a competition where the number of minutes of movement was recorded and various puzzles tired, as aircraft traffic around the airport was lower than usual due to Covid 19, the opportunity was taken for this final challenge. We are extremely lucky that a great group of airport staff assisted in the execution of the race and encouraged the runners to continue with lights, lights and great joy.

The landing approach at Ísafjörður-airport considered one of the most beautiful in Europe

The website put the landing approach at Ísafjaörður-airport among the most beautiful landing approaches in Europe. Twelve other European airports made the list but Ísafjörður-airport was the only nordic airport listed.

Electric buses for trial at Keflavík-airport​

Isavia had at Keflavík-airport an electric bus for testing. The airport‘s staff drove the bus around the airport region with the goal of exploring the feasibility of using electric buses for the transportation of passengers from the airplane to the airport. ​

isavia and The Icelandic Confederation of Labour working together towards distribution of information to foreign workers​ 

The president of the Icelandic Confederation of Labour, Drífa Snædal and Isavia‘s CEO, Sveinbjörn Indriðason, signed the agreement at the airport of Leifur Eiríksson in Keflavík-airport, February 27th, 2020. ​

The goal of the agreement and the co-operation between the Icelandic Confederation of Labour and Isavia is to promote a healthy labor market in Iceland, where everyone gets to enjoy their rights of the collective agreements and laws. Thereby foreign workers are not discriminated against

Keflavík-airport accepts a service reward​

Keflavík-airport was among the best airports in Europe in its size-category (5-15 million passengers yearly) regarding quality of service. This can be seen from the international service survey that was implemented at every major airport of the ACI. ​The Keflavík-airport was one of eight airports who ranked the highest in the survey, which landed them a special acknowledgement for service quality. ​The ACI service servey, Airport Service Quality programme (ASQ), is the most respected and significant measure of airport service quality.


Sveinbjörn Indriðason, the CEO of Isavia ofh., and Jón Gunnar Jónsson, the CEO of Samgöngustofa, signed a declaration of intent regarding the co-operation on an experimental project of mixing rapeseed oil for the use of machinery at Keflavík-airport. Samgöngustofa had been emphasizing environmental issues in development projects and celebrated Isavia‘s co-operation. The signing of the contract took place on september 8th, 2020.

Keflavík-airport accepted an international service reward for the year of 2019

 ​The service quality at Keflavík-airport in the year 2019 was among the best European airports who service around 5-15 million passengers yearly. This can be seen from the international service survey that was implemented at every major airport of the ACI. ​

The award was to be handed over at a ceremony in Kraká, Poland in september but the outbreak of the Corona virus prevented it. The award however was delivered to Iceland where Sveinbjörn Indriðason, the CEO of Isavia accepted it.

The Blue Lagoon and Hjá Höllu accept Keflavík-airport‘s service award​

Keflavík-airport‘s service awards for the year 2019 went to the Blue Lagoon, the service award of stores, and Hjá Höllu, the service award of restaurants. The results are based on market research and surveys taken at Keflavík-airport.
